Understanding Your "Duty to Report" Child Abuse or Neglect

The following links have been selected to help RECEs and others involved in the care and education of young children better understand their continued legal "duty to report" any situations where children may be at risk.

Here is the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services brochure that details what the law actually says about reporting suspected child abuse or neglect:http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/documents/childrensaid/reportingchildabuseandneglect_EN.pdf

Here is the section of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services web site that details your "duty to report," and offers links to local Children's Aid Societies, and a resource kit with posters and other materials that you can use at your centre to ensure everyone understands the law: http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/childrensaid/reportingabuse/index.aspx

Here is the July 2023 Professional Advisory issued by the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators about the "duty to report": https://college-ece.ca/wp-content/uploads/forms/Professional-Advisory-Duty-To-Report.pdf

Here is the "Duty to Report" resource area offered by the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, which also includes a link to the contact information for all local Children's Aid Societies and details how to file a report.


You may also wish to review the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies' publication: "Yes, You Can: Dispelling the Myths Sharing Information with Children's Aid Societies," which discusses some of the issues involved in reporting abuse, when it involves sharing information that is protected by Privacy legislation.






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