For all of the latest news headlines from ADCO, please follow us on X.
March 4, 2025-580 CFRA--The Morning Rush
"How Families Who Use Licensed Child Care Will Be Impacted By Tariffs"--Bill Carroll
ADCO Explains Why Governments Need To Have A Plan To Support Parents Experiencing Tariff-Related Lay-Offs
March 3, 2025--580 CFRA--Ottawa Now
"How Tariff Tension Could Harm Child Care in Ontario"--Kristy Cameron
ADCO Explains How Child Care Centres Have Been Prepping For The US/Canada Tariff Dispute
March 2, 2025--640 AM--Toronto This Weekend
"Potential Impacts of Tariffs on Licensed Child Care"--Davelle Morrison
ADCO Explains How A US/Canada Tariff Dispute Could Reduce Revenues and Increase Costs For Centres
February 21, 2025--Epoch Times
"Pre-Election Promises to Extend $10-A-Day Child Care Scheme Could Be Costly"--Andrea Hannen
ADCO Urges Provinces/Territories To Use Forthcoming Federal Election to Push For CWELCC Changes
January 2, 2025--CBC TV News Toronto
"Ontario is Reducing Child Care Fees, But How Many Families Stand To Benefit"--by Britnei Bilhete
ADCO Weighs In On The Impact of New CWELCC Funding Formula On Child Care Quality
December 28, 2024--640 AM Toronto
"Challenges Facing Child Care Operators"--Toronto This Weekend with Davelle Morrison
ADCO Describes Challenges For Families and Child Care Operators Arising From Flaws in CWELCC
December 23, 2024--CP24 Toronto
"Ontario Early Childhood Educators Declining in Number"--Andrew Brennan
ADCO discusses how child care staffing challenges are related to immigration policy
December 23, 2024--CTV Toronto
"Declining Ratio of Early Childhood Educators"--Siobhan Morris
ADCO discusses how staffing shortages are impacting the availability and quality of child care
December 19, 2024--L'
«Garderies à 10 $» : ces garderies qui refusent les subventions --Andreanne Joly
December 10, 2024--L'
Garderies à 10 $ : défis d’adaptation administrative --Andreanne Joly
December 3, 2024--L'
Garderies à 10 $ : le gros lot? --Andreanne Joly
November 24, 2024--The Epoch Times
"To Cure Ontario's Child Care Woes, Fund Families Directly"--Andrea Hannen
ADCO's executive director explains why fewer strings on federal funding might not be enough to increase child care access in Ontario
November 10, 2024--640 AM--Toronto This Weekend
"Child care costs rising in Toronto"-- Ben Mulroney
ADCO notes that federal child care program was never designed to be sustainable, only to transition the country to a government-run system
November 8, 2024--CP24
‘A big bombshell:’ Toronto parents scrambling to find child care after daycares warn of huge fee hikes in January--Codi Wilson
ADCO weighs in on challenges facing operators and how no centre owner wants to have to raise parent fees
November 4, 2024--CTV Evening News Toronto
"Day cares warn of increased fees"--Janice Golding
ADCO notes that some centres are being forced to choose between staying in CWELCC or keeping their doors open (go to 7:53 on the counter)
October 22, 2024--Global News Morning Toronto
"Why Ontario day cares are protesting changes to $10/day program"--Candace Daniel
ADCO's 2021 predictions about the CWELCC are highlighted as ADCO weighs in on current state of the program
October 22, 2024--CTV News Channel
"Some daycare operators in Ontario are protesting changes to child care program"--Marcia McMillan
ADCO the recent Provincial funding changes for child care centres and the implications for their future
October 21, 2024--CP24
"Some-gta-daycares-to-close-tuesday-as-operators-protest-changes-to-10-a-day-child-care-program"--Codi Wilson
ADCO explains challenges facing centres as a result of Ontario funding formula changes
October 16, 2024--CFRA 580 Ottawa
"Some Ontario child care centres protesting funding changes," Ottawa at Work with Patricia Boal (go to 44:44 on the counter)
ADCO outlines changes to funding formula, challenges to operators, and what may be ahead with CWELCC
October 16, 2024--CFPL 980 London
"Growing frustrations for Ontario day cares and parents," the Morning Show with Devon Peacock
ADCO does an in-depth interview about the new Ontario funding formula and what needs to happen next with the federal child care program
October 12, 2024-The Epoch Times
"Canadian day cares planning rolling closures in protest of funding model," by Chandra Philip
ADCO points out protests aren't necessarily about money, but pressure to prioritize government paperwork over everything else.
September 7, 2024--The Epoch Times
"Ontario cutting funds to day cares not enrolled in federal $10-a-day program," by Chandra Philip
ADCO calls out unfairness of cut--some of the centres impacted had applied to participate in CWELCC
September 6, 2024--CHCH TV News
"Ontario cutting funding from daycare centres not in $10-a-day program," by Eric Vienneau
ADCO cautions that new Provincial funding formula defunds some 500 centres
September 6, 2024--City TV News
"Ontario cutting funding from daycare centres not in $10-a-day program," by Mark McAllister
ADCO discusses implications of new Provincial funding formula
August 31, 2024--Epoch Times
"Ontario's New Child Care Funding Scheme Will Force Centre Closures," by Andrea Hannen
ADCO explains how recent Provincial decision will imperil some 500 licensed centres
August 20, 2024--Globe and Mail
"Meet the Grandma Babysitting Club," by Estella Ren
ADCO notes that failures of federal child care program are fueling growth of informal care
August 12, 2024--Globe and Mail--Letters to the Editor
"Who is to blame?"
ADCO notes that Ontario is not to blame for the federal child care program's failures.
July 24, 2024--Childcare Today Podcast--ADCO
"We got played by the federal government..."
A child care owner explains how the $10/day program has nearly destroyed her centre.
May 17, 2024--CFPL 980 News London
"What's Wrong With Canada's Child Care Program"--The Devon Peacock Show
ADCO's executive director discusses challenges facing Ontario's child care sector.
May 17, 2024--CHML 900 Hamilton
"Child Care Operators Respond to Recent Provincial Funding Announcement"--Good Morning Hamilton with Rick Zamperin
ADCO provides insight into delays on Provincial funding formula and offers ideas on staffing crisis. (The ADCO part starts at 15:30 on the counter.)
May 16, 2024--The Hub
"Is Canada's Child Care Program Terminating Child Care Spaces By Design?"--Andrea Hannen and Andrea Mrozek
Just before the start of the 2023 school year, some 300 families were axed from the CWELCC. Why it's likely to happen again.
April 3, 2024--The Epoch Times
"ANALYSIS: As Ottawa's Power Over Child Care Has Grown, So Have Deficits and Wait Lists"--Tara MacIsaac
ADCO offers feedback on recent federal expansion announcement and explains why it may not be enough to keep centres in the program
February 19, 2024--The Epoch Times
"Until Parents Demand Better, There Won't Be A Plan To Fix The Child Care System"--Andrea Hannen
ADCO calls on provinces to re-assert their leadership role in child care, not just ask for more money
February 6, 2024--House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO)
"Is there a future for child care entrepreneurs in Canada?"--FEWO study of Women's Economic Empowerment
ADCO asserts that nationalization of Canada's child care sector harms all women (starts at 12:09 on the counter)
January 16, 2024--CFPL 980 News, London
"Are Child-Care Operators in Danger of Closing?"-- The Morning Show with Devon Peacock
ADCO explains why so many licensed centres are struggling to keep their doors open and what needs to happen to fix it
December 5, 2023--CFPL 980 News, London
"The $10-a-day child care so far and what the passage of Bill C-35 means to families"-- The Morning Show with Devon Peacock
ADCO evaluates the program's roll-out to date and what needs to happen next to get better outcomes for families
September 28, 2023--The Epoch Times
"Families Cut From $10-A-Day Child Care Program Unlikely To Get Answers"--Andrea Hannen
ADCO's discusses the risks of putting three levels of government bureaucracy between parents and access to child care
September 12, 2023--Ottawa Citizen
"Defunding of Lanark Home Child Care Program Short-Sighted But Not Surprising"--Andrea Hannen
ADCO unpacks the real agenda behind the County's sudden termination of its contract with a woman-owned small business
August 28, 2023--Ottawa Citizen
"About 300 families told daycare costs will double in two weeks"--Elizabeth Payne
ADCO cautions that Lanark County chaos could be just the tip of the iceberg
May 5, 2023--CFPL 980 News, London
"$10-a-day child care could cause centres to close"-- The Morning Show with Devon Peacock
ADCO explains how flaws in Bill C-35 could cause centres to close
April 24, 2023--The Agenda, TVO
"Is the federal child care plan working for Ontario?"-- Steve Paikin/Cara Stern
ADCO urges the Province to ensure funding for diverse child care service models
February 24, 2023--CBC Radio, London
"Now that daycare is cheaper, demand is up: are working parents being squeezed out?" --Rebecca Zandbergen
ADCO weighs in on an unintended consequence of the "universal" approach to child care
February 17, 2023--CKCO News, Kitchener
"Staff shortages impacting childcare centres in Waterloo region" --Stephanie Villella
ADCO notes that staffing shortages are province-wide and worsened by the CWELCC
February 15, 2023--National Post
"Daycare Plan Wanting"--Kim Yeaman (ADCO), letter to the editor
Centre owner explains how government-directed care is already beginning to fail some Ontario families.
February 1, 2023--National Post
"Child Care Concerns"--Andrea Hannen (ADCO), letter to the editor
ADCO provides reality check about CWELCC implementation
November 16, 2022--Equal Times Magazine
"In Canada, a historic move towards a nationwide childcare system draws praise and criticism"--Ray Mwareya
ADCO points out the waiting list risks of trying to roll-out the Quebec model of care across Canada
November 1, 2022--CBC News
"Will you get a rebate on your child's care in Ontario?"--Allison Jones
ADCO member explains how centres need to express interest in opting in to get key details
November 1, 2022--Globe and Mail
"Ontario's deadline to opt-in to national child care program is November 1"--Dave McGuinn
ADCO reiterates need for clarity on funding terms and conditions
November 1, 2022--CBC Radio, Ontario Morning
"The debate over $10/day child care continues in Ontario"--Ramraajh Sharvendiran
ADCO offers commentary on why centres have or have not signed up for the federal $10/day child care program
November 1, 2022--CBC Radio, The Morning Edition--K-W
"Why some child care centres didn't sign up to offer services for $10 per day"--Craig Norris
ADCO notes that commitment to specialized learning programs prevented some centres from signing on
October 31, 2022--CFPL 980 News, London
"The deadline to opt-in to Ontario's $10-a-day child care program is November 1st" --The Morning Show with Devon Peacock
ADCO explains some of the complexities involved in Ontario's child care roll-out.
October 24, 2022--680 CFRA News Talk Radio, Ottawa
"Are we getting closer to $10 day care?"--Bill Carroll, Morning Rush
ADCO highlights lack of sustainability in $10/day child care plan
October 21, 2022--Globe & Mail, Global News, Toronto Star & Elsewhere
"Ontario changes funding rules in a bid to boost $10-a-day child-care program uptake"--Allison Jones, Canadian Press
ADCO explains need for full transparency for each year of the federal funding agreement
October 14, 2022--Toronto Sun
"Recruit and Recognize"--Letters to the Editor
ADCO responds to recent Canadian Press news item regarding child care staffing issues
August 19, 2022--Toronto Star
"Ontario considers new ways to fund $10/day care in bid to boost uptake"--Allison Jones
ADCO notes that both commercial and not-for-profit centres cite inflation as a concern
August 14, 2022--Toronto Star
"Where's your $10 daycare? How Canada's child-care rollout is going so far"--Jeremy Nuttall
ADCO explains how Ontario's overly bureaucratic approach has made some centres reluctant to sign on
August 11, 2022--Toronto Sun
"Some day care providers unsure about joining federal-provincial deal" --Scott Laurie
ADCO notes that tight deadline and lack of information is preventing centres from opting into $10/day child care program
July 28, 2022--CBC News Kitchener-Waterloo
"Most Waterloo region child-care centres expected to opt into $10-a-day program, region says"--Kate Bueckert
ADCO says more information is needed before child care licensees can assess the impacts of the $10/day on program quality, viability
July 20, 2022--CTV News Kitchener
"Only 1 out of 65 childcare providers in Waterloo region have signed on to $10-a-day plan"--Krista Sharpe
ADCO calls on government to extend opt-in/opt-out deadline, noting decision to link parent rebates to centre sign-up is unfortunate.
July 13, 2022--Toronto Star
"What is not being said about the national day care roll-out"--Andrea Hannen (ADCO) and Tracey Carter (CCMA)
ADCO and the Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators provide a reality check about why neither commercial centres nor not-for-profits are rushing to join the $10/day program
July 12, 2022--Global News
"Ontario child care rebates starting to roll out but program remains a ‘patchwork’"--Allison Jones, Canadian Press
ADCO cites operator concerns about municipal micro-management, lack of standardized contracts as barriers to participating in $10/day program.
July 6, 2022--Newmarket News
"Most Child Care Operators Yet To Opt In To $10/Day Program"--Joseph Quigley
ADCO explains that while centres would like to lower fees, the tight timeframe to decide may push some to opt-out of the $10/day plan.
June 8, 2022--National Post, Northern News, Sudbury Star & other affiliates
"'It Keeps Me Up At Night': Child Care Providers In Ontario Unsure If They Will Opt In To Federal Plan"--Catherine Levesque
ADCO reps discuss the uncertainty child care owner/operators feel about the proposed $10/day child care program, why some centres may be forced to opt out and why they may need more time to decide.
March 30, 2022--CityNews (Ottawa)
"Ontario Needs Over 86,000 Child Care Spaces To Meet Demand With Lower Fees: Advocates"--Canadian Press (Allison Jones)
ADCO points out that by opening up child care expansion to all types of child care operations--commercial and not-for-profit--Ontario is better positioned to create new spaces than some other provinces.
March 29, 2022--Globe & Mail
"Ontario Needs Over 86,000 Child Care Spaces to Meet Demand With Lower Fees Say Advocates"-- Canadian Press (Allison Jones)
ADCO executive director notes that with demand increasing and the time it takes to create a new child care space, including private operators is critical.
March 28, 2022--Toronto Star
"Child Care Deal Happy News For Families, But Will There Be Enough Spots?"--Brendan Kennedy
ADCO makes the case that if the new child care deal hadn't included both commercial and not-for-profit child care programs, a lot of families would have been left out.
March 28, 2022--CTV News, Barrie
"Simcoe-Muskoka Families To Benefit From New Ontario Child Care Deal"--Catalina Gillies
ADCO celebrates focus on parental choice and the importance of parents being able to choose care that fits their philosophy, location and budget.
March 28, 2022--CP24
"Ontario and Feds Ink $10/day deal, Here's What Parents Need To Know"--Chris Fox
ADCO congratulates Ontario government for taking steps to help all families access child care that meets their needs.
March 7, 2022--Toronto Star
"With Deadline Looming, Why Hasn't Ontario Signed a Child Care Deal Yet?" by Brendan Kennedy
ADCO makes the point that all of Ontario's licensed child care programs, both commercial and not-for-profit, will be needed to meet the increased demand for licensed child care that is likely to result from the Province signing onto the $10/day program.
February 3, 2022--CTV News Toronto
Consumer Alert with Pat Foran
ADCO weighs in on the challenges and cost pressures facing parents and child care operators as they follow public health measures related to the Omicron variant, noting that no centre wants to charge fees for services that can't be provided and that parents should contact their local municipalities for solutions.
January 5, 2022--CBC Radio
Up North with Jonathan Pinto
ADCO member offers listeners a sense of how child care licensees are coping with the additional pressures brought on by Omicron and changes to the Provincial PCR testing protocols.
January 4, 2022--CHML 900
Good Morning Hamilton with Rick Zamperin
ADCO offers a practical perspective on what lack of access to COVID testing means for staffing levels in Ontario's licensed child care centres and how it is resulting in service interruptions for families. (The conversation starts at approximately 8:45 on the counter.)
December 9, 2021--Toronto Sun
Letters to the Editor--"Dealing with Daycare"
ADCO provides an overview of Ontario's child care sector, including the number of centres run as small businesses, and why practicality dictates that Ontario keep pushing for a federal deal that includes all families.
December 8, 2021--Toronto Sun
Letters to the Editor--"Daycare Dilemma"
Longtime ADCO member Kim Yeaman weighs in on why Ontario must keep negotiating for a federal child care deal that includes all families and all licensed centres, including those run as small businesses.
November 22, 2021--Hamilton Spectator
"Hamilton Examines Signing Child Care Deal Directly With Federal Government" by Kevin Werner
ADCO expresses support for Provincial government's efforts to get the right deal for Ontario even it if takes more time, noting that the wrong deal could mean fewer spaces and higher costs for both families and taxpayers.
November 17, 2021--CHML 900
Good Morning Hamilton with Rick Zamperin
ADCO weighs in on some of the factors involved as the Province of Ontario negotiates a child care deal with the federal government. The conversation starts at 6:56 on the counter: Good Morning Hamilton with Rick Zamperin | Global News
July 27, 2021--Globe and Mail
Letter to the Editor re: "Ontario, Not Quebec Holds Model for Child Care"
In response to an article the paper published that attempted to goad Doug Ford into signing onto the proposed federal child care plan, ADCO highlighted the real costs of increasing "public planning and management in the sector"
July 25, 2021--CP24
"Some Parents, Child Care Providers Call For Updated Covid Rules"
CP Reporter Allison Jones spoke with several ADCO members, as she explore the impact on the Ministry of Education's Covid Guidelines on licensed child care centres, children and families, pointing out that these rules hadn't changed for over a year, despite the fact that other sectors of the economy were moving into Stage 3 of reopening.
Some parents, child-care providers call for updates to COVID rules |
June 23, 2021--Cardus Exit COVID Live Broadcast
"Toward What Matters Most"
ADCO was pleased to be part of this thoughtful Canada-wide discussion about what was learned during COVID and where Canada should direct its focus post-pandemic. In this segment, ADCO explains how viewing child care through a public-sector-only lens excludes many families and how this challenge can be addressed.
May 28, 2021--Financial Post
"The Private Sector is Essential to a National Child Care Plan"
Journalist Peter Shawn Taylor explores why commercial child care centres need to be part of the Trudeau government's "feminist budget." Several ADCO member centres are featured.
November 4, 2020--Newstalk 1010, Toronto
News feature by Lucas Meyer
ADCO explains how Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) has contributed to loss of licensed child care centres
July 28, 2020--CFRA 580 Ottawa
Morning Rush with Bill Carroll--Matt Harris Hosting
ADCO explains why flowing child care funding through municipalities is delaying child care reopening (ADCO segment begins at 1:46:10).
July 27, 2020--Toronto Star
"Inconsistent Funding Delays Day Care Reopening In Some Areas"
ADCO explains that centres can't reopen until municipalities actually pay out promised Provincial funds for child care reopening.
July 27, 2020--CTV News Barrie
"Day Cares Prepare To Welcome More Children"
ADCO member discusses steps involved in child care reopening and how funding issues are holding some centres back
July 20, 2020--CHTV News
"Day Cares Waiting To Find Out What Will Happen With Schools in September" by Lisa Hepfner
ADCO explains why more day cares aren't open and why a firm Provincial back-to-school plan is needed
June 30, 2020--Global News
"Child Care Providers Say Ontario Government's Efforts To Help Falling Far Short," by Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press
ADCO explains why so many licensed child care centres still haven't been able to reopen.
June 12, 2020--St. Catharines Standard
"Daycares Need A Few More Weeks To Reopen--Regional Official"
ADCO describes the challenges of reopening with higher costs when Provincial "sustainability funding" still hasn't made it to centres.
June 11, 2020--National Post
"Most Child Care Centre Unlikely To Reopen Friday," by Allison Jones
ADCO explains how Provincial announcement but no funding for child care leaves owner/operators having to say "no" to parents
June 11, 2020--580 CRFA Ottawa--the Morning Rush with Bill Carroll
"Will Child Care Reopen This Friday?"
ADCO explains how the Provincial delays in delivering promised "sustainability funding" are hindering the reopening of licensed child care centres when new rules for child care reopening mean staff costs are doubled and revenues are reduced to a third of what they were pre-pandemic. (The ADCO segment is about two minutes into the clip below.)
June 10, 2020--CTV News, Barrie
"Day Cares Surprised By Reopening"
ADCO board member outlines why many licensed child care centres won't reopen this Friday thanks to the lack of timely Provincial guidance around reopening.
June 10, 2020--CKLW AM800 Windsor--The Afternoon News with Patty Handysides and Kathy McMann
"Day Cares Wonder How To Open Safely"
Past President of ADCO explains how the provincial Government has failed child care licensees and parents in its lack of planning and funding for the reopening of Ontario's licensed child care centres.
June 9, 2020--Globe and Mail
"Ontario Child Care Centres Allowed To Reopen Friday With Strict Guidelines" by Laura Stone
ADCO board member discusses Provincial government's lack of planning around child care reopening and failure to follow through on promised "sustainability funding" to help centres reopen.
May 1, 2020--CTV News Toronto
"East York Day Care Fears It Won't Make It Through COVID-19 Closure"
ADCO notes how discriminatory funding practices at the municipal level have put many smaller centres at risk of permanent closure due to COVID-19
April 21, 2020--The Morning Rush with Bill Carroll, 580 CFRA Ottawa
"ADCO Talks Child Care Fees, COVID-19 and the Need for Provincial Funding"
ADCO board member discusses how lack of Provincial action to sustain licensed centres during COVID-19 led to some centres having to charge fees and means some centres may not re-open at all. The ADCO clip comes about three minutes and 20 seconds into the segment.
April 17, 2020--Globe And Mail
"In Some Provinces Parents Are Paying Thousands to Shuttered Day Cares To Keep Their Child's Spots"
ADCO is quoted in this piece expressing its hope that "the Province will officially recognize the unique challenges facing Ontario's licensed child care centres and announce a plan to ensure that every centre that has had to close due to COVID-19 survives long enough to re-open."
April 14, 2020--Ontario Morning with Wei Chen, CBC Radio One
"Kim Yeaman of Simcoe Child Care Services Talks Child Care Fees, COVID-19 and the Need for Provincial Funding"
ADCO member discusses how federal and municipal funding measures aren't enough to save all centres. The ADCO segment is about 10 minutes into the clip:
April 12, 2020--Toronto Sun
"Smaller Child Care Centres Likely To Be Casualties of COVID-19"
ADCO emphasizes need for leadership and action to stabilize Ontario's licensed child care sector
January 26, 2020--Toronto Sun
"Province Needs To Optimize Childcare Investments"
ADCO offers suggestions for creating more licensed spaces at lower cost
July 28, 2019--Toronto Sun
"More child care centres in schools won't help parents"
ADCO explains how outdated Provincial policies make child care more expensive and harder to find
May 12, 2019--Toronto Sun
"Municipal waste drives up child care costs"
ADCO explains how some municipalities waste the taxpayer dollars allocated to child care
May 7,
"Want quality child-care in Simcoe County? You'll wait, experts say"
ADCO board member offers insight into the need for Provincial child care reform
February 3, 2019--Toronto Sun
"Time to restore child care choice"
ADCO explains why the Liberal FDK program must go and offers a viable alternative
October 18, 2018--Toronto Sun
"City policy leaves hundreds of daycare spots unfilled, say private operators"
ADCO explains how families get hurt when the City plays favourites
August 24, 2018--National Post
"A daycare expelled this B.C. couple's four-year-old son after he accused staff of hitting him"
ADCO board member offers insight into rarity of day care expulsions
March 22, 2018--Toronto Sun--Letters to the Editor
"Not Child's Play"
ADCO Operations Manager outlines the Wynne record on child care.
December 13, 2017--CTV News
"Daycare Services Raising Prices"
ADCO member explains challenges posed by Provincial funding cuts to licensed centres.
June 5, 2017--Huffington Post
"Why The Negativity Around For-Profit Child Care?"
ADCO stresses the importance of encouraging entrepreneurs in licensed child care.
December 15, 2016--Toronto Sun
"Child Care Costs Hit Canadian Wallets"
ADCO explains how municipal and Provincial policies drive up the cost of delivering licensed child care.
September 14, 2016--CTV News, Barrie
"Child Care Promise"
ADCO notes that recently announced Provincial funding will go further if independent licensed child care programs are included in Ministry's plan to create 100,000 new spaces by 2022.
August 3,
"Fees will soon be gone from child care waiting lists in Ontario, but spaces still too scarce and unaffordable"
ADCO offers reporter Mike Adler background on wait list fees and encourages Province to fast-track new license applications
February 25, 2016--CTV News, Barrie
"The future of child care"
The Government's new regulatory proposals could mean fewer spaces and higher fees warn day care owners
February 23, 2016--CTV News, Barrie
"Long wait lists and planning"
Shortage of infant, toddler and preschool spaces means families have to plan for child care several years ahead of time
June 23, 2015--National Post
"More than 'expensive day care'? Jury still out on whether Ontario's full-day kindergarten program has paid off"
Government's FDK roll-out resulted in centre closures says ADCO Operations Manager
November 14, 2014--Toronto Star
"Child care bill wrong-headed"
ADCO Operations Manager Cautions Against Municipal Veto on Child Care Licenses
November 10, 2014--CTV News Toronto"Number of affordable day care spots shrinking as fees in GTA tops Canada"ADCO member speaks out about how Government-run FDK put her out of business after 29 years
November 6, 2014--Ottawa Citizen
"Bill 10 will hurt licensed child care"
ADCO Operations Manager Predicts More Licensed Centres Will Close
October 27, 2014 --CFRA am, Ottawa
Rob Show Show
ADCO Operations Manager Explains Why Bill 10 Won't Make Children Any Safer
October 20, 2014--CTV News Kitchener
"Day Care Centres Shutting Down"
ADCO board member explains how government FDK program is forcing centre closures and limiting parental choice.
August 30, 2013--Toronto Star"Full-day Kindergarten Forces Closure of Avenue Rd. Day Care"ADCO board member explains how government program undermines the viability of licensed child care programs
July 23, 2013--CHTV News"Day Care Concerns"ADCO board member helps parents understand the difference between licensed and unlicensed child care.
May 22, 2013--TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin"Child care in a full-day kindergarten world"ADCO Co-President Wendy Marshall participates in a panel discussion, helping parents understand the difference between licensed child care and the government's school-based kindergarten program.
April 12, 2012--QP Briefing"Day Care Spaces No Cure-All: ADCO"ADCO Government Relations Committee Chair explains challenges facing licensed child care programs, as a result of Government's full-day JK/SK initiative.